Hello Vivaldi community, this is my first post on My Vivaldi Blog.
When I first logged in, I felt very familiar, and happy too, seeing the WordPress interface. Because I’m building my own WordPress site, and I have to install everything from scratch, you know, rent a separate VPS hosting and do everything yourself from installing the operating system, web server, WordPress source code. and the plugins that come with it, and the hardest part: optimizing for the server to run faster.
The optimal stage takes a lot of time. I’m not a major in information technology, but I love to explore and learn by myself. Just a few days ago, I didn’t even know what memcache, Varnish cache, zend opcache, and Nginx pagepeed were. But now everything is installed, and you only need to learn a little bit and have some background on commands in Linux.
However, successful installation is one thing, but understanding how they work and interact with one another takes more time to dig deep.
But let’s talk about that later .
Here is my Vivaldi browser screenshot. I use it as my main browser every day. I often switch between browsers like Vivaldi, Firefox, and Edge, and use all three at the same time.
Just few days ago, I remembered Vivaldi community having a blog service and decide to go back and write something. I used to be a core Opera user and also played at My Opera Community (now closed) before, but after learning about this, I have switched to Vivaldi since then.

This is a link to my personal website, although it is still in development right now, but I will try to improve its content soon.
You can also contact me at my Reddit’s profile, check out my old posts, and maybe we have the same interests and can become friends 🙂